Monthly Archives for April 2021

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Cbd Oil Vs Thc Oil The Facts – Know about the facts 

Cannabis - Josephine - April 30, 2021

Due to its resemblance to marijuana, there’s a lot of confusion about the properties of hemp and whether it has the same effects as its close cousin. Hemp for Healing – the web’s leading provider of CBD Oil and other hemp products – is here to clear things up.

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Hemp and Marijuana Are Two Different Plants

Many people believe hemp and marijuana are the same plant, and even use the names interchangeably. But while they’re part of the same family of plants, Cannabaceae, the two couldn’t be more different in terms of their properties.

Marijuana has a very large amount of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive cannabinoid that gets users high “high”. Hemp, on the other hand has little to no THC and instead offers cannabidiol (CBD) altogether.

How is CBD Oil Different from THC Oil?

While both are cannabinoids – chemical compounds that act on the brain’s endocannabinoids system (ECS) – CBD is does not get you high like THC. This means it is less likely to affect your behavior and state of mind that way THC products would. In fact, plants with more CBD Oil such as hemp are found to produce less unwanted effects such as anxiety.

What is the ECS?

The endocannabinoids system (ECS) plays a vital role in several physiological functions in the body, including stress management, appetite, sleep, certain inflammation responses, and even cognition. There are two types of cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body (CB1 and CB2), but they are most abundant in the brain and immune system, respectively. Basically ECS plays a huge role in health, and CBD does a great job of influencing it without eliciting a psychological reaction.

What Exactly is CBD?

CBD is the main naturally-occurring cannabinoid component found in hemp, making up 40 percent of the plant. After THC, CBD is by far the most studied natural cannabinoid, with many researchers proclaiming it to be the single most important cannabinoid ever discovered. It has many potential health benefits that are still being researched.

CBD Oil is Legal

Although, as with marijuana, it is illegal to grow hemp in the U.S., natural hemp-derived cannabinoids like CBD Oil are legal in all 50 states in the country – another difference with THC Oil and its derivates, which aren’t universally legal. This is because the FDA considers hemp and its derivatives to be food-based products, thus requiring no legal restrictions on their importation, production, and consumption in the U.S. or most other industrialized countries. This also means that you will not need a doctor recommendation or medicinal cannabis card to purchase any of our CBD Oil products.

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Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy Dealing With Back Pain

Health - Josephine - April 30, 2021

Pregnancy is generally a happy period for most women, except for the times when they suffer from severe back pain. Studies show that majority of pregnant women do seek back pain relief during pregnancy, especially during the last trimester. On the average, a woman puts on anywhere from 25 to 40 pounds during her pregnancy, and this extra weight puts on a lot of additional pressure on her back.

Also, as the baby grows in her uterus, the center of gravity of her body moves forward and this results in added strain to the back muscles. Although all this is perfectly normal and nothing to get worried about, it’s also natural to seek pregnancy back pain relief to make things a little bit easier for the expectant mother.

Remedies for Back Pain in Pregnant Women

In addition to the extra pounds gained during pregnancy, there are also other factors that contribute to back pain in pregnant women. For example, urinary infections may exacerbate an already painful back. CBD cream for pain is a good option to choose. There are available in the market at good price and you can purchase them online. Ordinarily, medications should be used to get rid of such infections but this is not recommended in pregnant women. Instead, you can acquire back pain relief during pregnancy by making some changes in your diet and exercising more. These are much healthier options compared to taking medications, which may harm your baby and cause problems in your pregnancy.

Finding Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy

Another effective and safe way of getting back pain relief is to practice proper posture when sitting, standing or even sleeping. Avoid slouching or slumping as this will not only hurt your back but may also be constrict your belly. Also, don’t stay in the same position for long periods at a time. If you have to sit in front of a computer at work all day, take frequent breaks to stand or walk around and stretch your back. When sleeping, you might find it helpful to use large pillows propped against your back for added comfort.

Many years ago, people believed that the best way to get back pain relief during pregnancy was to stay in bed as much as possible. However, recent studies have shown this to be wrong and even harmful to your health. Lying down for prolonged periods will actually increase the risk of back pain instead of giving you the relief you need. A far better option is to do the right exercises, which will not only get rid of back pain but also prepare your body for labor and delivery.

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Marijuana Misdirection A Raw Deal – Know About The Deal

Guide, Marijuana - Josephine - April 29, 2021

It is quickly and finally becoming commonplace for legislators, celebrities, and news programs to speak positively about cannabis and the entire legalization movement. And for good reason: With examples of effective regulatory systems and medical success stories now widely available, the stigma surrounding public support for the movement is wafting away. We’ve recently even passed the milestone of serious presidential candidates calling for an end to the drug war.

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The uncouth untruth

Yet, there is still an astonishing array of misinformation, if not conscious misdirection, about cannabis out there. It comes across as a last, gasping grasp, clinging to the dead-end ideals of the disastrous and racist drug war. This is to be expected from certain private individuals and institutions; but, sadly, even federally supported nonprofits and programs can go down this road.

Nonprofit organizations can be funded by federal grants or private (tax-deductible!) donations, which one would think might require a certain level of honesty or integrity. But alas, the ironic truth is that many organizations promoting “drug-free” agendas are often supported by the very companies that profit from certain types of drug use. After all, companies in the pharmaceutical, alcohol, and tobacco industries have to at least appear to make some effort to curb abuse of their products.

Money makes the world go round

Organizations and coalitions like the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA), for example, tout anti-drug missions in order to make “communities safe, healthy and drug-free” while listing pharmaceutical, television, insurance, and even donut companies as crucial to their operations.

The Partnership for Drug-Free Kids lists numerous pharmaceutical companies as partners. Meanwhile, underage overdose rates in the U.S. continue to rise.

The Drug-Free America Foundation aims to work toward sustainable ideas to reduce if not eliminate problems associated with drugs in the United States. Unfortunately, DFAF operatives have knowingly mislabeled effective harm reduction programs (which have done more to combat problems with drugs than the drug war ever has) as “harm promotion” on their website and committed other similarly noteworthy “errors” regarding drugs and the people who use them.

Read at your own risk

Even a casual glance at the Q & A section on “marijuana” entails the risk of being infected with ignorance. What is presented as credible information for a concerned public is instead littered with nonsensical and patently false messages, such as that the raw cannabis plant has no value. Curiously, consumers of liquor and cigarettes are left in peace to enjoy their drugs of choice — which, unlike cannabis, actually are physically addictive, lethal, and without medical value. One can only $peculate on why that would be, in the context of the entire point being to save society from harmful drugs.

A basic understanding of biology and nutrition tells us that if any substance of value to the human body is within a plant, that substance’s bioavailability — ease of absorption — is generally higher in the actual plant itself than in pills and higher in raw plants than in cooked ones. So, to label as useless any plant with medicinal value in its raw form (except a plant that is poisonous when consumed raw) is grossly inaccurate.

To be fair, there is still much research to do on the use of raw cannabis (which is non-psychoactive). But we already know cannabis has no lethal dose and is not poisonous in any form. Thus, there is no logical reason for anyone to be deprived of the startling health benefits from the raw plant juice, which include cancer cell suppression, muscle spasm and seizure relief, and reduction of inflammation, the root cause of most disease.

Know smoking

There is also the claim that cannabis consumption via vaporization or ingestion is no better than smoking (probably the least ideal way to extract health benefits from…just about anything, really). This of course directly follows a statement warning about the dangers of inhaling burning plant matter.

Of course, synthetic options like the Marinol pill — single-molecue THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), stripped of the supporting compounds found in the flower — are still touted as the best alternative to smoking. However, besides lacking the well-known “entourage effect” of the multiple cannabinoids and terpenoids in natural cannabis, pills like Marinol carry the same risks as edibles. A pill has a non-negotiable dosage, and it does not help anyone seeking immediate relief from pain or nausea.

Logically, smokeless methods at least avoid the inhaling of smoke, which must make them easier on the lungs at least. But beyond the obvious sparing of the lungs, ingesting cannabis can also be a sensible alternative for other reasons. Effects can be more potent and long-lasting due to the actions of the liver and digestive tract. Medibles travel better, emit no odor, and are far more discreet to use, especially in public places where smoking is not permitted.

Start low, go slow

Dosage can be harder to determine with edibles than smoking, in large part because of how much quicker the effects of smoked cannabis are felt (10 seconds) than those of edibles (60-90 minutes). This is a challenge easily met by doing a little reading, taking it easy, and by knowing exactly what you’ve just ordered off the menu. The most sensible adage to follow here is: “Start low, and go slow.”

Better still, patients can take even more control and make their own edibles, extracts, or tinctures at home with a countertop infuser from MagicalButter®. With a Botanical Extractor™ you can make your own oils and extracts at home with precise control over dosage and concentration. Toss your ingredients inside, and press a button. The extractor does all the work. It’s perfect for anyone looking for the benefits of cannabis without the smoke.

In short, it pays to be careful where you get your information, to get it from everywhere, and to be discerning. Sometimes, even nonprofits appearing to have educational missions are not necessarily unbiased in their presentation of the truth as they understand it. A quick look at who supports the organization that is your information source may reveal that the whole “Just say no” message is more “Say no to theirs, but yes to ours.”

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What Is Good Diet – Know about the good diet

Health and Fitness - Josephine - April 29, 2021

Diet is one of the most overused words in the world, and it is a fact that many people claim that they’re experts in this field. This paradox is best described by Shane Jeremy James in his book Think, Act, Love, and Lose Weight with the following statement, “Every month a new guru comes out with a weight loss book or a well-known guru repackages his message in a different way. And yet, according to the World Health Organization, one billion adults are overweight, and at least 300 million of them are clinically obese.” The statement is really alarming, but it is the true situation today. Many Americans suffer from the detrimental effects of obesity, because of one major factor way more than any other, lack of good diet.

With the birth of factory-made foods, came the sudden rise in the number of obese people. Is it because of artificial preservatives? To some extent, yes; but it has more to do with attitude than content.

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Of course factory-made food and drinks such as chips and cola bring in a lot more harm than benefit to the body, but the bigger culprit is the attitude of the people to embrace such products, in a manner that promotes them as an everyday essential. It’s not new to hear people say they need to drink at least a can of soda a day, take note that the word is need and not want. It seems that the elements of availability, mass production, and consumerism connived and eventually caused the sky rocketing of the number of obese people worldwide from a very low proportion during the 70’s to an all-time high of about 27% of world population today. Any observer would say, from this point of view, that we ourselves have created a monstrous system of self slaughter.

But what really is good diet? The exact answer to this question has always been tampered by many false claims, and half truths. Take for example the case of dairy products, this billion-dollar industry is viewed by the general public as one of the prime producers of healthy, albeit fatty, foods. Healthy in a sense that milk, which is the primary ingredient of such products, is said to be rich in calcium. Calcium in turn helps fight Osteoporosis. But take this, according to Shane Jeremy James in the same book mentioned earlier, “We often drink more milk to beat osteoporosis, and yet in the United States, England, and Sweden, we have the highest rates of osteoporosis in the world and drink the most milk. Think about all the dairy you get from cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and milk. The average American woman consumes two pounds of milk per day for her whole life, and yet 30 million have osteoporosis.” That is because according to medical research, too much protein intake can cause calcium loss.

The real good diet is one that promotes being an herbivore, than being an omnivore or worse a carnivore. In order for one to be perfectly healthy, he/she must eat only fruits and vegetables or in other words, he/she must eat green. It is said that our digestive system is not designed to totally break down meat; our teeth are not the types that can tear out flesh, and we do not have the kinds of digestive enzymes that could totally break down protein-based elements. It would take us days to talk about specific foods that constitute a good diet; and besides, diet does not only involve food because it also involves proper routine. But for now, it would be of great help for you if you try to re-assess your beliefs about how to have good health. I understand that the things imparted in earlier in this article could be shocking to some who, for many years, really believed what the general public was told. If environmentalists have the motto save mother earth: think green, then the same can be used for personal health. Save yourself: eat green.

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Washington City Attempts To Block Marijuana Businesses

Cannabis - Josephine - April 27, 2021

The Chehalis City Council recently decided to open a vote on a law that would prohibit the sale of medical and recreational marijuana in the city boundaries. Although medical marijuana use was legalized in the state in 1998, the sudden approval of the sale of marijuana for recreational and medical purposes back in 2012 has council members from various cities in an uproar. These officials are concerned that recreational sale of marijuana will lead to uncontrolled distribution of the drug, and promote disorderly conduct among local youth. Even officials that believe that their citizens can handle marijuana responsibly are concerned that the disputes between the banks and Drug Enforcement Agency and Department of Justice will lead to lawsuits involving the incipient Marijuana businesses.

Ironically, opposition to marijuana sales from city officials in Fife and Wenatchee has engendered lawsuits from prospective business owners already. Washington State Attorney General, Bob Ferguson, made a statement last month about two lawsuits that required the intervention of his office. He commented that although he refuses to defend the businesses or the cities, he believes that the state legislature should allow for city councils to overturn laws that legalize the sale and possession of marijuana within city boundaries.

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State officials in Washington thankfully do not share Ferguson’s views, and expressed that no city should be allowed to ban legitimate marijuana businesses from opening in Washington. Business owners that are hoping to open their doors to customers with insomnia, neuropathic pain, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis in cities that wish to keep the drug out should expect to receive appeals from higher circuit courts from time to time. However, the umbrage will continue until the FDA removes marijuana from its current Schedule I classification, which could take many years, even if research on all of the more than 400 compounds that the plant contains were approved tomorrow.

The Chehalis City Council concluded voting last week on the proposed ban, which did not pass. Business owners prevail, for now, but the reactions to marijuana business in other cities is still not wholly favorable. The Washington Attorney General’s Office expects to be hearing many more lawsuits from marijuana business owners in the near future.

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