Pregnancy is generally a happy period for most women, except for the times when they suffer from severe back pain. Studies show that majority of pregnant women do seek back pain relief during pregnancy, especially during the last trimester. On the average, a woman puts on anywhere from 25 to 40 pounds during her pregnancy, and this extra weight puts on a lot of additional pressure on her back.
Also, as the baby grows in her uterus, the center of gravity of her body moves forward and this results in added strain to the back muscles. Although all this is perfectly normal and nothing to get worried about, it’s also natural to seek pregnancy back pain relief to make things a little bit easier for the expectant mother.
Remedies for Back Pain in Pregnant Women
In addition to the extra pounds gained during pregnancy, there are also other factors that contribute to back pain in pregnant women. For example, urinary infections may exacerbate an already painful back. CBD cream for pain is a good option to choose. There are available in the market at good price and you can purchase them online. Ordinarily, medications should be used to get rid of such infections but this is not recommended in pregnant women. Instead, you can acquire back pain relief during pregnancy by making some changes in your diet and exercising more. These are much healthier options compared to taking medications, which may harm your baby and cause problems in your pregnancy.
Finding Back Pain Relief During Pregnancy
Another effective and safe way of getting back pain relief is to practice proper posture when sitting, standing or even sleeping. Avoid slouching or slumping as this will not only hurt your back but may also be constrict your belly. Also, don’t stay in the same position for long periods at a time. If you have to sit in front of a computer at work all day, take frequent breaks to stand or walk around and stretch your back. When sleeping, you might find it helpful to use large pillows propped against your back for added comfort.
Many years ago, people believed that the best way to get back pain relief during pregnancy was to stay in bed as much as possible. However, recent studies have shown this to be wrong and even harmful to your health. Lying down for prolonged periods will actually increase the risk of back pain instead of giving you the relief you need. A far better option is to do the right exercises, which will not only get rid of back pain but also prepare your body for labor and delivery.