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Is A Shiba Inu The Perfect Dog For You?

Guide, Pets, Shiba Inu, Tips - Josephine - November 18, 2020

If you are planning to have your first dog pet, you may come across Shina Inu as one of the best options as you search online. As a matter of fact, Shiba Inu has been gaining lots of popularity across the globe and it is currently listed as 46th most popular dog in AKC. But adopting a dog is not an easy task. Of course, there are some factors that you need to consider before you choose the right pet for you. No, how would you know if Shiba Is the perfect dog for you? To help you out, here are some of the actors that you need to know.

One of the important things you need to know first before adopting a Shiba Inu is their affection level. Keep in mind that a Shiba will not be that affectionate towards you as much you are to him. In fact, this is one of the common traits of a Shiba. Shiba is very much independent and they are not always ready to express their love like most of the other dogs do. However, Shiba is a courageous and a loyal dog. If your familiar with Hachiko who was the well-known Akita who waited for his deceased owner at the train station everyday for 9 years.

It is also important that you are aware of Shiba’s trainability and strong willingness. Generally, Shiba Inu is a strong willed, highly intelligent and independent dog. With this, they are considered as a difficult dog to train. So if you have a little patience in training dogs, Shiba may not be the perfect dog for you. However, you can always seek help from a professional trainer to help you train your pet effectively and properly.

Temperament is another factor that you need to pay attention to once you have your first Shiba. Shiba is known for their aggressive behavior. They are also stand-offish and they do not war up to humans readily. Some experts do not recommend Shiba as pet for families that have very young children because Shiba dogs do not want over attention and handling. Some of the aspects that contribute to the aggression of Shiba include improper socialization, breeding lineage, and others. Hence, Shiba’s temperament level is a factor that you need to watch out for once you have him in your house.

Lastly, Shiba Inu is also an attention grabber because of their appearance. Shiba looks lie a fox and they are head turner because they look cool with their wildish aura. Hence, when you take your dog outside for a walk, expect that lots of people will admire your pet and he will get a lot of attention from different people. So, if you are an introvert, you need to prepare yourself and get used to this attention.

Overall, there some factors that you need to consider first before buying shiba inu puppy for sale. Make sure to do your research first and educate yourself about this adorable dog.

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Indestructible Dog Beds – Knowing Your Dog And Material Used

Pets, Tips - Josephine - August 22, 2020

 While looking for the best indestructible dog bed, you need to consider a lot of factors which will help you to decide on which type of dog bed is not easily subject to complete devastation brought upon by your dog. Different indestructible dog beds are made of different materials and as such, you need to have a good hang of your dog’s personality while trying to have an idea of what your pet can or cannot destroy.

Buying The Right Material Is Vital 

The materials need to be studied and analyzed before putting it up because the dogs are quite sensitive and need to be comfortable with what the final product is going to be and this article is going to be about the same that would remind you of This Site that has been doing the rounds called where you have all the info about dogs and their lifestyle.

What is important to mention here is that 

The type of materials used in making indestructible dog beds is one of the most important factors to be taken into consideration during your selection of the right type of bed. Almost each and every dog has the die-hard habit of chewing on things like plastic and leather and this explained why our shoes are always their main ‘targets’. It is not surprising that every individual dog has its own personality and that is why different dogs have their own preferences on their objects of chewing. Some of the dogs will refrain from showing off their chewing antics on certain types of materials but that does not mean the other dogs will do the same as well; they would probably chew on these materials till their hearts content. It is best to look for indestructible dog beds which are scratch-proof. Some of the dogs will simply go all the way out to destroy their dog beds while trying to form their own comfort zone in their beds to assure a good sleep or rest. By acquiring the knowledge of what things your dog can and cannot destroy, you can then combine this piece of information with the above two factors and set out to find a suitable indestructible dog bed. Try to conduct a survey on the list of toys which your dog have destroyed and then what kind of toys it has spared from its sharp teeth. Also take note of the materials used for making these toys, between those which have been badly chewed beyond recognition and those which are still intact.

At the same time, you will get to know what types of materials your dog prefers to chew on – is it plastic, leather or cloths materials? Based on this survey, you are probably ready to find and decide on the type of indestructible dog beds for your dog. It is always advisable to select an indestructible dog bed which is made of a kind of material that your dog will not enjoy chewing on it or some materials which have not been ‘tasted’ by it yet. Also, you need to make a note of the sleeping patterns of your dog. For instance, does your dog have the habit of pulling up the covers with his mouth and try to make a nest inside the bed? If he has this habit of doing so, the more you need to get an indestructible bed for your dog. And if your dog does not have any chewing habit, then a normal dog bed will be just nice for your pet. Finally, your dog’s personality plays an important role in the selection of a good indestructible dog bed. Being the dog’s owner, you should already know by heart what things can or cannot be destroyed by your dog.

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What is Etiology? – Understand the term and the basics!!

Cbd, Pets - Josephine - August 22, 2020

The fourth major category of itchy skin disease in dogs, Contact Dermatitis , involves skin irritation secondary to direct contact of the skin with something in the environment. In fact, there are two distinct syndromes falling into this category.

Irritant Contact Dermatitis, which is not a true allergy, involves direct damage to skin cells by exposure to a damaging compound. The damaged skin cells induce an inflammatory response directed at the skin. Irritant contact dermatitis occurs at any age as a direct result of the damaging nature of the compound that has been contacted.

Allergic Contact Dermatitis, on the other hand is an event where the immune system

  • must first be sensitized to an allergen,
  • and then later be exposed to it.

Allergic contact dermatitis is rare in young animals, as chronic exposure to the allergen is usually required. Contact allergy is most common in German Shepherd Dogs; however, Poodles, terriers, and Golden Retrievers are also considered at increased risk.

 For a healthy immune system, the consumption of CBD products is done. The risks related to the health are decreased with the correct dosage of the compound. If a person wants to know about the benefits, then see it here at the official site of the CBD products. The exposition of the severe disease is reduced with the offering of the CBD products to dogs. 

The pattern of the skin disease with contact dermatitis, unlike that of flea, food, or inhalant allergy, depends on the way in which the allergen is contacted. The thick coat of hair is usually an effective physical barrier to most contact. As a result, the regions most often affected are those with the sparsest hair and those with the most contact with the ground. Thus, the chin, underside of the neck, chest, belly, inside of the flanks, underside of the tail, and the bottoms of the feet are most commonly involved. More generalized reactions are probably less common than often believed.

Initial skin lesions consist of redness, heat, and swelling, leading to papules and plaques. Blistering of the skin is uncommon. Itchiness varies from moderate to severe, but is usually severe.

If the reaction is seasonal, a plant or outdoor allergen is suspected, but a wide variety of allergens can be involved. Most common offenders include plants, carpet, plastics or rubber (such as food dishes or toys), leather (such as collars), soaps, detergents, floor waxes, rugs, herbicides, fertilizer, mulch, insecticides (including topical flea sprays), flea collars, concrete, fabrics.

In the diagnosis of contact allergy, it should be borne in mind that symptoms can mimic those seen with food allergy, atopy, flea allergy, bacterial or yeast infection, demodex mites, immune mediated skin disease, and seborrhea.

Skin biopsies can be helpful in diagnosis. Patch testing, placing the suspected allergen directly on the skin under a bandage for 48 hours, can assist in the diagnosis. Final confirmation requires the removal of the allergen from the environment, followed by provocative exposure testing to confirm what is causing the reaction.

Treatment of acute cases may require administering corticosteroids such as prednisone for short periods. However the long-term goal is to remove the offending substances. Bathing with low-allergy shampoos, and covering affected areas with mechanical barriers such as socks and T-shirts may also be helpful.

The prognosis for contact allergy is good if the allergen can be identified and removed. Unfortunately, these animals respond poorly to desensitizing allergy shots. If the allergen cannot be removed, treatment with cortisone-type drugs may be needed throughout the life of the dog to maintain quality of life.

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Things To Know Before Deciding If Shiba Inu Is The One For You

Pets - Josephine - August 21, 2020

Thinking about getting a shiba inu puppy? You have come to the right place! This Japanese dog is cute and cuddly, but there’s a lot more that you don’t know about this one. It has more characteristics and points that you need to know before you make him your pet.

They like to pretend they are a ninja.

Yes, you read it right. They are always quiet, agile, and alert. You wouldn’t even realize they are trying to steal more dog food from you. This quality of Shiba inu is cute, but only till he does it inside your house.

He can be an escape artist since he’s so quiet and steady on his feet. This is why you need to take extra care whenever you take him out for a walk. Be sure to always have a leash with you with appropriate tags and always put a microchip there. This is great if your Shiba inu decides to denounce your world for the great outdoors.

They are also very territorial. They are very possessive about their belongings. If you try to touch their toys or food, they can get aggressive with you. However, this is something that can be trained to them from a young age. Therefore, it isn’t something that you need to worry about excessively.

They have made history.

Shiba Inu has made its record in the Guinness Book of World records. The longest living dog was a Shiba inu. His name was Pusuke, and he died at the age of 26. He was just three months away from turning 27. Owners said that he was very active even in his last days, and he passed away as soon as the owner arrived from his morning walk.

He firmly believes that his Shiba inu waited for him to come home before saying his final goodbye. They are extremely loyal species, and they will love you to an extreme extent. They are the kind of dogs to get possessive over you. These may sound like dogs’ general characteristics, but they are enhanced when it comes to Shiba inu.

They have good health.

Shiba inu is known to have a long, healthy life. They are agile and active for a long period. These dogs are like puppies who never get old. However, some health conditions are common to their species.

These health conditions can catch them very quickly if you are not careful with them. Some of these health conditions are glaucoma, hip dyslexia, and kneecap issues. There are some pieces of training specifically designed for this breed to help them recover quickly.

You can do those pieces of training with your puppy. Along with that, you need to also make sure that his food has the right amount of nutrients needed for his growth and development. It can be damaging to his health if you do not provide sufficient vitamins and minerals.

They are rare pets

Judging by this Japanese species’ qualities, you can assume that this dog is special and has many rare qualities. This is why it is one of the rarest species in the pet world. The rarity of Shiba inu is almost comparable to that of the red panda.

They look like foxes! In older times, they were also used as hunters. Their triangular pointed small ears tilt forwards. Their muzzles are also tiny, cute, and pointed. Generally, they have reddish fur with white markings. However, they are also found in other variations.

You can find tan and black Shibas. You can get cream ones to be your pet. They also have cute triangular-shaped eyes, which will immediately catch your attention. The most distinctive feature of their expression is that they always seem like they are smiling. 

Wrapping Up

Now, you know many details about this cute, little, adorable dog. His smiling face is all you need to see before getting him into your house. It is one of the best quality of this species. These dogs are very culturally rich as their roots dive deep into time. Their generations are too old, and they date back over centuries. In a nutshell, this species is surely agile, but they will give you so much love that anything can make up for it.

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How to Treat Dog Dandruff

Pets - Josephine - June 24, 2020

Have you noticed your dog starting to scratch more but you can’t find any fleas? Well, it could be dog dandruff. That’s right, small Size dogs get dandruff too; and even though it might not be as embarrassing for Fido to scratch his head in public, dry skin could be making your dog’s life a misery.

So what exactly is dog dandruff? It’s dander which is dead dry skin that that occurs when there is a lack of moisture. Similar to human dandruff, white flakes become visible and the skin gets dry and uncomfortable.

According to Veterinarian Race Foster, puppies suffer from dog dandruff more often than adult dogs. What’s more surprising is that pups with darker fur (like black and chocolate) seem to suffer more than their lighter fur counterparts because the white flakes are more noticeable; however, that doesn’t mean dark-coated dogs actually suffer more from dog dandruff.

One reason puppies suffer from dog dandruff more than adult dogs is because their sebaceous glands are not as active. Dr. Foster states that once these glands mature, the number of lubrication changes to meet the puppy’s needs. Wouldn’t it be cool if human skin did the same thing?

Treating Dog Dandruff Inside and Out


So now that you know your dog has dry skin you need to moisturize it – inside and out. Start with essential fatty acids because dogs cannot produce these on their own yet they are necessary to maintain a healthy coat. Try giving your dog a supplement with his food like Nordic Natural’s cod liver oil or even omega-3 pet capsules for dogs on the go.


Once you’ve nourished your dog internally, now it’s time to concentrate on his coat to combat dog dandruff. Do not bathe your dog more than once every two weeks as this can dry out the skin. Use a moisturizing shampoo like Bio-Groom natural oatmeal and anti-itch which contains a natural, soap-free formula that cleans, soothes, and leaves your dog’s coat and skin in healthy condition.

The shampoo isn’t enough to treat dog dandruff though; conditioner needs to be applied and left on for three to five minutes to give it a chance to penetrate your dog’s fur. Look for a conditioner that contains oatmeal which will also soothe your dog’s skin. In between baths, use a conditioning spray daily to coat your dog’s fur. A good one to try is EQyss Avocado Mist Detangler which is a conditioning spray that does not have to wash out of your dog’s coat and it smells great too.


Don’t forget to brush your dog regularly to remove the dead fur which can also help dog dandruff. If your dog has an undercoat, use the Mars Coat King which is an effective hand-stripping tool when used on a regular basis.

If your pet continues to suffer from dog dandruff, consult with a veterinarian as this could be an indication of an underlying medical condition such as hypothyroidism.

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