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Tips For Living With An Epileptic Dog

Guide, Pets - Josephine - June 20, 2020

The first seizure is terrifying. Nobody is prepared for witnessing a seizure in a beloved pet. When the tests have been run and the diagnosis is idiopathic epilepsy (the catch-all term for seizures of undetermined origin) there are questions – many questions – about life with an epileptic dog. Here are some things you need to know:  Epilepsy is not a death sentence. Dogs rarely die from the seizures themselves. Depending on the dosage and type of medication, complications can develop with the liver. Regular monitoring of blood levels and precise dosage of medication can reduce the risk significantly.    Medication does not preclude the dog from living a normal life. There are dogs that play flyball, herd sheep and title in agility all while on medication for seizure control.    Keep a log of pertinent details about your dog’s seizures. Include the date, time, approximate duration, observations of the dog before, during and after the seizure, current medication dosages and anything you can think of that might have triggered the seizure.

My log included phases of the moon, for example, until I discovered that there appeared to be no correlation for my dog. I included information about when she was in season, as I was concerned that there may be some hormonal influence. The log is important to share with your veterinarian and it can help you with the occasional “reality check” if you feel that the seizures are more or less frequent than in the past.    Stay as calm as possible for your dog during and immediately following a seizure. Many dogs react to the panic of the owners once they regain consciousness. It will be less stressful for all concerned if you can minimize any appearance of chaos during a seizure. Be on the lookout for odd things that may trigger a seizure. One of my dogs had seizures when she was stressed and exposed to pine pollen. Once I removed the pine pollen from the equation (that is, I stopped walking her in the forest) she stopped having seizures entirely. Another dog with severe cluster seizures seemed to show marked improvement a couple of years following her spay surgery. Other dogs are triggered by sounds, smells or experiences. You will be your dog’s best advocate if you can seek out possible influences that could trigger a seizure.    Always medicate on time. Yes, that means that you have to rearrange your life somewhat, but it is vital, especially with certain drugs like Phenobarbital, that you medicate exactly as directed by your vet. Keep an open line of communication with your vet to determine when dosages may need to be adjusted. This is where the log you keep will come in extremely valuable.    Find an epilepsy buddy. Join an e-mail list for canine epilepsy and find one or two people with dogs who have similarities to yours. One word of caution – don’t believe everything you read on the list. I found a few buddies on the list and maintain private conversations with them. Since idiopathic epilepsy actually has many different causes, it is best to find someone with circumstances as similar to yours as possible to compare notes.

Otherwise you will be on a wild goose chase and drive yourself and your vet crazy. One great resource with links to a good epilepsy group is You can get helpful hints and reliable information about the proper way on how to take good care of an epileptic dog from this website. It is advisable to always rely on reliable information only when it comes to the health and safety of your pet.

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Canine CPR: Tips that Could Help You Save Your Dog’s Life

Pets - Josephine - June 20, 2020

If you have children then chances are you know CPR. Why? Because you wouldn’t think of being unprepared when it comes to the safety of your kids, right? So why would anyone with pets such as man’s best friend (a Dog) be anything but prepared when it comes to the safety of these pets?

If you have a dog then you should know how to perform CPR on your dog just in case of emergency. Nobody wishes for an emergency situation, but the fact is that these situations do occur and when they do it is important to be prepared! If you are equipped with the A,B,C’s or canine CPR then you have a great chance of saving your little pooch one day in the event of a choking emergency.

A is for Airway:

Before determining the need for CPR on your canine, you must determine if the pet is breathing. Look at your pet closely and see if his chest is moving. If it is then your pet is breathing.

Call out your pets name for a response. If your canine responds then there may not be any need to perform CPR. If your pet is not responsive then it is likely that your pet isn’t breathing either!

B is for Breathing:

If your canine is not breathing then you need to begin canine CPR. To do this, start by pulling the canine’s tongue slightly and closing the mouth. Next, tilt the canine’s head enough to open the airway and give the dog 5 breaths into his nose. Like human CPR you need to give the canine enough breath to raise the chest. For a large dog this will be a pretty large breath, but for a small dog you will need to give smaller breaths.

C is for Circulation:

To determine whether there is circulation in your canine you will need to check his pulse. Dogs have various areas in which you can feel a pulse just like humans. The best place to check for a canine’s pulse is toward the top inside of the hind leg. If your dog has a pulse but still can not breath on his own you may have to perform rescue breathing techniques. Otherwise if there is no breathing and no pulse then you must perform canine CPR.

Canine CPR Step 1:

With your canine on a hard surface such as a table or hard floor right side down, move left leg out of your way. You will begin performing compressions at the spot of the dogs chest where the dog’s left elbow touches his body. Just like in Human CPR you will place one hand on top of the other and interlock your fingers.

Canine CPR Step 2:

At this point you will begin giving compressions followed by one breath. The compressions should push your dog’s chest about 3 inches in each time. For large dogs give approximately 10 compressions and then a breath rotating between breaths and compressions for one minute before checking for a pulse. For small and medium dogs you should only give five compressions in between breaths.

Canine CPR Step 3:

Continue Canine CPR until you feel a pulse or can get further medical attention for your pet. Understanding these canine CPR techniques may make the difference between saving your pet’s life one day! Hence, as early as now, it is your responsibility as a pet owner to educate yourself not only about the health of your dog but also about the right ways on how to save your pet in case of emergency. See this for more information.  Always keep in mind that your dog is willing to save you anytime. What about you?

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Facts About the Dalmatian Dog

Pets - Josephine - June 19, 2020

What has white fur and black spots? You’ve got it, the lovable Dalmatian. You see these beautiful dogs at your local firehouse and have thought to yourself, “wouldn’t it be nice to own a dog like that?” But you have a BIG problem now; you know nothing about them! So now what do you do? Well, if your read on further I’ll tell you about their behavior and a lot more.


The Dalmatian has a body that’s built for speed: a strong-skinny figure, long legs, and a nice long tail. Just as on A hundred and one Dalmatians all Dalmatians have a short-white coat that is also accompanied by small-black spots. Dalmatians have a short and stout muzzle, which helps the dog perform many different tasks: hunting, running, eating, ect… Their fur is extremely short and rough feeling to the touch.

While this breed isn’t exactly like the 101 Dalmatians that you saw in films but they need to be taken care of and managed properly as they are quite clever and adept at learning things quickly but you need to find more info online so that no stone is left unturned.

Average height and weight:

The average height for a male Dalmatian is 21 inches tall and the female stands about 19 or 20 inches tall (although she can reach to be 21 inches; this is rare…but possible.)

The male Dalmatians average weight stays somewhere between 55 and 60 pounds and the females stay around 45 or 50 pounds.


The Dalmatian requires daily workouts in order to remain healthy. Only walking a Dalmatian is not healthy!! You should have plenty of time to spend with your Dalmatian, and if you don’t…DON’T GET ONE!! This is very important.

You should set up a workout routine for you and your Dalmatian. Make it a daily routine!! Here are a couple workouts that your Dalmatian would require daily: a quick jog, a couple minutes playing fetch, a couple minutes playing tug-a-war, a run through the park(or any other place were he/she could run, and a slower walk. You can make-up your own workouts for you and your Dalmatian, or you can use some/all of the workouts listed above. Make sure, if you’re not using the workouts above, that you’re Dalmatian is still getting the proper amount of exercise per day. IT’S REQUIRED!


Grooming your Dalmatian will NOT be hard, although, you have to groom your Dalmatian daily. All you need to do is brush his or hers short fur once a day (brush the entire coat.) If you notice a dirty or muddy spot on your Dalmatian’s coat, then you should get a wet wipe and clean it as soon as possible; this will prevent your dog from getting your floors dirty, getting skin related infections, and it will also prevent bad odors.


This is the most important fact about the Dalmatian, and it’s very important to read!! The Dalmatian is not the nicest dog in the world, although, it is still possible to find a good Dalmatian…just hard. Dalmatians can’t handle a lot of stress without lashing out at their owner(s). It’s not always best to own a Dalmatian if you have children (and if you do have children and you’re still going to get a Dalmatian, make sure that they’re compatible with one another.)

The Dalmatian is very energetic, and they love to play with their owner. It is not uncommon for the Dalmatian to choose one person to be kind to, and then anybody left in the family will be forgotten or disliked by the Dalmatian.

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Caring for a Cat After Surgery

Pets - Josephine - June 17, 2020

If your cat has ever needed surgery, you know that the recovery time can be painful and slow, just as it can with humans. Your cat will not feel like he or she normally does for a couple of days, so you need to know how to care for your cat after surgery.

There are many reasons why your cat may need surgery. A male cat should be neutered at about six months of age. This procedure is fairly simple and your cat will need minimal time to recover. However, when a female cat is spayed, the surgery is more invasive and she will need more down time. Although declawing is generally frowned upon, you can expect a younger cat to recover much faster from the declawing surgery than an older cat. In addition, your cat could suffer an accident that requires surgery or may be faced with a health problem that requires surgery.

Now this has to be taken seriously as cats are extra sensitive in these matters when compared to dogs and may be wary of following orders from you so you need to deal nicely with them because even though the aftereffects of surgery would make them prone to anger and tantrums they would do sure to follow orders to get ok and you can have a peek here online for more info.

Here are some tips to help you help your cat recover from surgery:

Talk to your vet before the surgery:

Before your cat is operated on, you should have conversations with your vet so that you know why your cat requires surgery and how it will be performed. Also, even though many pet owners say that cost is no factor when it comes to their pet, surgery can be very expensive. Besides the actual surgery, your cat will need anesthesia, pain medications, antibiotics, and possibly overnight care at the vet. In addition, you could also be looking at several follow up appointments. Discuss these financial matters before the surgery so you will not go into sticker shock when you pick your cat up after the surgery is done. If your cat does not need emergency surgery and you can schedule the day, you will need to get pre-operative care instructions. He or she might recommend that your cat does not eat or drink several hours before the surgery. If this is the case, try to schedule your cat’s procedure early in the day to avoid discomfort.

Talk to your vet after the surgery:

After the surgery is over, make sure you talk to your vet to find out how your pet did during the procedure. You will also want to know anything that your vet recommends once you get your pet home or whether or not your pet will need follow up care. If your pet has stitches, you will need to find out if the stitches need to be removed or if they will dissolve.

Provide a safe place for your cat: Once your cat has the surgery, you will need to have a safe place for your cat. This means that if you have other pets in the house or small children, you need to find a secluded spot for your cat rest. Your cat will probably still be sedated for a few hours and will need a quiet place to sleep and rest. A bathroom or closets are good choices. Your cat will not want to be bothered; no matter how friendly your cat normally acts. If your cat is not feeling well, you should expect some hissing and paw-swiping at you, another pet or a child during this time.

Keep other pets away for a couple of days: Your cat may have a best feline or canine friend in your home, however, your pets need to be separated for a couple of days following the procedure. You might notice that your other cat will hiss at your recovering cat. They smell and act differently and your other cat is not quite sure what to think. Younger cats or dogs may want to play or act rough with your recovering cat. This is no good for your cat if he or she has stitches or broken limbs. It is always best to separate your pets for a while. When your recovering cat feels better, you will know and will be able to slowly introduce your pets again.

Explain the situation to your children:

Your child is probably worried about your pet. They might want to hold or cuddle your cat. Your child needs comforting, not your pet. Your pet needs peace and quiet. Explain to your child that your cat is not feeling well and needs time to recover. If you have frightful children, he or she may become very upset at the sight of your sick cat. Let them know what to expect and supervise any visits between the two.

Watch food and water intake:

Just as with humans, your pet will probably not have an appetite for a day or so after the procedure. This is normal. However, you need to make certain that your pet is getting water while he or she is recovering. If you notice that your pet is not eating or drinking after 24 hours, you should contact your vet.

Watch the surgery site:

Cats are notorious for biting and licking at incision sites or stitches. While this is a natural healing process for cats, if you notice your cat is pulling at the stitches, you need to place an E-collar (Elizabethan collar) on your cat. Your vet can provide you with one, or you can purchase one at your local pet store. Cats generally hate these collars, but they will help your cat heal faster.

Provide an easy-

access litter box: Most cats will still want to use the litter box, even when they aren’t feeling their best. However, if your cat has just had surgery, he or she may have a difficult time getting in certain types of litter boxes. These may include the type with hoods, high sides or flaps. Purchase a small, inexpensive box that has low sides. This will help your cat get in and out easier. If your cat is wearing an E-collar, he or she will not be able to get in a litter box with a hood. Also, check the type of litter you are using. Clumping litter is popular, but may not be the best choice for a recovering cat. The litter pieces are small and can stick to incision sites. Instead, opt for shredded newspaper or large litter made out of recycled paper (one good brand is called Yesterday’s News).

Stick to the doctor’s orders:

If you are given a prescription for your cat, follow the instructions. This means giving your cat all of the medication, if so instructed. Also, if your doctor asks you to come in for a follow up, make sure you do so. Your doctor can assess your cat after the surgery to make certain he or she is healing properly.

With a little preparation, you can help your cat recover after a surgery of any type. Your vet can provide you with specific information about the various kinds of surgery and recovery time.

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Adopting a Dog from an Animal Shelter

Pets - Josephine - June 16, 2020

So you want to adopt a dog. Finding the perfect one for you and your family can be a tough decision.

First, you should decide what size dog and breed you are looking for. Look specific breed information up online and read about the different characteristics of the breeds. Do you want an active dog that can jog with you or play frisbee? Maybe a border collie or dalmation? Do you want a lap dog that doesn’t need as much excercise? Maybe a cockapoo or chihuahua mix. Still want a big dog but not one as active? Try an older Lab or Shepherd mix.

To be fair to your new pet, you need to pick one that can fit in with your lifestyle. If you are not active, then the dog won’t be active. Some dog breeds need alot of activity and play time, if they don’t get it then it could lead to behavior problems.

Then, find out the available animal shelters in your area. You may find several. Some may be ‘no kill’ shelters and some may not be. This (in my opionion) should not influence your decision. You should visit all of the shelters and try not to pick the first dog you fall in love with. Some shelters will allow you to put a ‘hold’ on a dog you like, this is a great option if available because then you can go home and discuss it without making a quick decision. It is also crucial to go visit an important source so you can gather all the necessary information that you need before making a final decision. This will help you not to regret anything. Always rely on reliable sources both online and offline.

Animal shelters usually require you to fill out an aplication and get approved before adopting. The shelter employees want to find the best homes for these dogs and want to make sure you have the proper home situation and if you have a landlord, that they allow pets. This is so the animal does not have to come back to the shelter because you bring it home and find out you can no longer keep it.

Most shelters also require the owners that are giving these dogs up for adoption to fill out a history on the dog. What it likes, dislikes, is afraid of, if it’s good with kids and what ages of kids its been around. This is vital information that will help you with your decision

When viewing the dogs at the shelter, it is hard to see their true personalities. These are dogs that have just had a major life change. From living with one person or family and being put into a shelter situation. They are confused. They are barking loudly. They could seem extremely hyper. This is not always their personality. Example; I was working at an animal shelter and a certain breed of dog came in that I was fond of and knew about. She was very hyper, could not be around other dogs and was always jumping up on her hind legs. I was able to ‘foster’ her for a trial period. I brought her home and she loved my other dog and was a couch potoato, in fact she was happiest with kids fawning all over her. Nothing like the hyper mess she was at the shelter. Not every dog could turn out like this, some may be perpetually hyper and very active.

This is where knowing breeds comes in. There are exceptions in every breed of dog but usually what you read about them is fairly acurate.

The animal shelter you go to may have a waiting list you can get on if you are looking for a specific breed. If you do have your heart set on a purebred, and get on a list, I suggest you continue to check the animal shelter on a regular basis, you may find a mixed breed that is just as good (if not better) than the purebred you are waiting and hoping for.

Good luck with your search for a new pet. The key here is to research the different breeds and understand what you are looking for. The shelter staff will help you as much as they can but in the end it comes down to what you and your family will be most happy with.

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