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Some Advice That Would Help You Rebuild Your Relationships With Other People

Guide, Relationships - Josephine - August 3, 2021

Back in the last days of 2019, when we saw the emergence of a virus so tiny that it could just cause a common cold, we turned a blind eye towards the same and left it as it is. It grew from the depths of Wuhan to the world, and everything turned upside down. Millions were left jobless, and so many people have died with the same disease. It was a complete disaster to even think about the same. The world was shifted online, and every business, meeting, education, and even governance was done online as we needed to do social distancing to break the chain. 

Why do we need to build personal relationships with people? 

Now that it has gone down and although the world hasn’t recovered yet, there are many places where it has, including ours, and if not, it would soon be. Remember, this shift that is going to happen would be worse than we could ever imagine. 

It isn’t like that the way we worked. It wasn’t like how we would use Facebook on one side or search for the best vibrators for women on the other monitor while working on our job. It isn’t like that. It won’t be us in shorts with a proper shirt and tie to show the upper part in a zoom call.

But, it would be crowded. There would be meetings. They would get together again, and we would need to physically attend those boring meetings rather than turning them on, on the zoom call and washing dishes. We would have actually to meet human beings again and start a conversation. And it would not be pleasant to hear these words. 

Why? Because our tongues have adapted the taste of saying the F word and so many different things, and our mind is filled with Instagram and Tiktok reels and what not. The pleasant words and formal coughs would take time to settle in, and counting the emotional factor, and we might not just be prepared yet. 

Things to consider:-

Building interpersonal relationships with people would be very difficult as we have forgotten how to talk with them and understand each other. There might be people who might have lost their loved ones, and if we ask them casually about their mom or dad or any sibling that we might know, or even a pet, and they must be trying to forget the same, then it would be really rude. 

Thus, the first thing to consider is to make sure that we understand other people’s comfort levels. We cannot talk about what someone ate in the morning if they are introverts and types like that. Be intentional about building up what you want in the relationship and be considerate. Tell people and understand them too. And, you must not expect this back because not everyone would read this article. And since you have, you are requested to understand people more and make sure that you support them rather than making people uncomfortable.

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How To Get An Ex Back After Months Apart

Guide, Relationships - Josephine - July 28, 2021

Months in a person’s dating life can be an eternity. If you broke up with your lover months ago, a lot could have happened to you and to them. Either of you could have started dating someone and broken up with them already. Or one or both of you could have had a change of heart about the end of the relationship. You have to consider a number of things while you strategize about whether you should patch things up and how to go about it. 

Wow, the next time you see your ex. If considerable time has passed, you want to impress your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend with how much you have changed on the outside and the inside. The first and easiest way to do this is to improve your look. Anyone can lose some pounds overnight, and it only takes a short while to add some muscle mass, so start that spin class and work the weight machines. While you are doing your best to make your body look good, you need to enhance your wardrobe as well. Take some friends with you while you shop for the perfect look to perk your ex’s interest. They may be better able to give you objective advice on how to improve your clothing style or provide a new look entirely. Don’t forget to get spectacular Male Enhancement Pills for your intimate moment as well.

If considerable time has passed, you want to impress your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend with how much you have changed on the outside and the inside. The first and easiest way to do this is to improve your look. Anyone can lose some pounds overnight, and it only takes a short while to add some muscle mass, so start that spin class and work the weight machines. While you are doing your best to make your body look good, you need to enhance your wardrobe as well. Take some friends with you while you shop for the perfect look to perk your ex’s interest. They may be better able to give you objective advice on how to improve your clothing style or provide a new look entirely. Don’t forget to get a spectacular hairdo as well. Show up with gifts. An excellent way to repair a broken or distant relationship is to come bearing gifts. Use your knowledge of your ex to choose something they will truly appreciate, and if you can incorporate a way to evoke a happy memory from your relationship that should make it even more effective. You may want to do this over a period of time with a number of gifts, so build up to a spectacular finale which should be pricey and heartwarming. A wonderful suggestion is to bring your ex a pet, like a puppy or a kitten. Not only are they difficult to resist, but they provide the perfect excuse to drop by.

An excellent way to repair a broken or distant relationship is to come bearing gifts. Use your knowledge of your ex to choose something they will truly appreciate, and if you can incorporate a way to evoke a happy memory from your relationship that should make it even more effective. You may want to do this over a period of time with a number of gifts, so build up to a spectacular finale which should be pricey and heartwarming. A wonderful suggestion is to bring your ex a pet, like a puppy or a kitten. Not only are they difficult to resist, but they provide the perfect excuse to drop by. Send some friends to buy first. If you are reluctant to initiate contact because you are unsure of the welcome you will receive, it is a good idea to send a friend whom they know well first. Your friend can do some subtle investigating for you. You may be able to discover how they feel about you now, if they have missed you, etc. If any warning flags show up, like they are still upset, you may wish to take things more slowly than you expected. And if a third party is involved with them, you may have tried your hand at some sly tricks to undermine him or her. Or you could just wait them out.

If you are reluctant to initiate contact because you are unsure of the welcome you will receive, it is a good idea to send a friend whom they know well first. Your friend can do some subtle investigating for you. You may be able to discover how they feel about you now, if they have missed you, etc. If any warning flags show up, like they are still upset, you may wish to take things more slowly than you expected. And if a third party is involved with them, you may have tried your hand at some sly tricks to undermine him or her. Or you could just wait them out. Call them up. If everything appears kosher and you feel comfortable contacting your ex, a phone call is the most effective and rewarding way to initiate it. You don’t have to face them while you are talking, but you will still get a good idea about how comfortable they are being with you. If you get the impression that you guys are okay with each other, invite your ex over to your place for a meal or set up a coffee date.

. If everything appears kosher and you feel comfortable contacting your ex, a phone call is the most effective and rewarding way to initiate it. You don’t have to face them while you are talking, but you will still get a good idea about how comfortable they are being with you. If you get the impression that you guys are okay with each other, invite your ex over to your place for a meal or set up a coffee date. Prep for your meeting. Have a number of talking points ready in case the conversation becomes awkward or uncomfortable. You may even want to set up an escape exit with an “emergency” phone call. But generally, the first meeting in a long while with an ex is more about getting to know each other again. So be on your best behavior and look your best, without being too showy. Try to keep things casual and fun. Save the deep emotional talks for later.

Have a number of talking points ready in case the conversation becomes awkward or uncomfortable. You may even want to set up an escape exit with an “emergency” phone call. But generally, the first meeting in a long while with an ex is more about getting to know each other again. So be on your best behavior and look your best, without being too showy. Try to keep things casual and fun. Save the deep emotional talks for later. Ask for a dinner date. After a few meetings, you should be comfortable enough to ask for a dinner date. You don’t have to call it a date; you can just let them know you would be okay with them dropping by for a late meal. If they seem reluctant you can bring up that others would be joining you. Later you can decide to invite them or not. Once you are together over a candlelit meal, you can discuss your romantic future. Good topics to discuss are how the problems that ended the relationship have been solved and how a future with you now would be like one with a new person.

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8 Common Problems In A Relationship And How To Face Them

Relationships - Josephine - July 18, 2021

Whoever said that being in a relationship is a breeze has probably never been in one. Real-life romances aren’t like the ones you read in books or watch in movies. Instead of a “happy ever after” ending, real-life relationships are littered with everyday conflict brought about by a difference in opinion and upbringing, ho-hum days when nothing seems to go right, in between those magical “movie” moments. That’s the reality, as harsh as it sounds. But what makes everything worth it is the knowledge of having somebody love you for who you are, who encourages you to become a better version of yourself, who inspires you and makes you see that life is truly beautiful, traffic jams and all.

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And as with any relationship — be it between friends, siblings, parent and kid, ad infinitum — problems and arguments will arise. But in a romantic relationship, there are common issues that trouble any couple. Here are some that have been identified and suggested solutions on how to deal with them.

Not Putting Your Partner First

Everybody has been told about the importance of putting their partners, especially spouses, first. Marriage counselors and relationship experts have said that a lot of divorces and separations stem from not prioritizing your spouse once you have kids, or being neglectful of them by spending too much time with your friends.

But it’s not just married couples who face this conundrum. Take the case of Emma and Gary, who are both in their early 30s. They’ve been together for a while now, and the issue of priorities was something that they addressed early on in their relationship. Shares Emma, “We’ve both come from relationships that failed because we preferred the company of others instead of our respective partners. So when we got together, we discussed that right away. And I also think it’s a good thing we went through that ‘matter’ with our exes, or else we wouldn’t be wise enough to spot that now.”

Even though you understand the importance of leading separate lives, being too separate is just a tad, well, too much. If you have problems at work, the first one you ought to tell is your partner — not your mom, not your best friend. After all, is he or she the one you’re returning home to?

Making Your Partner The One (and The Only One)

On the flip side, putting your partner at the center of your universe is not healthy for the relationship (and for both of you) as well. Zoe learned this the hard way. Her boyfriend, Zack, broke up with her because he was starting to feel stifled by her. She had become too clingy, and it was choking him. Thankfully, with the help of her family and friends, Zoe has realized that taking care of herself and leading a well-balanced life (with time allotted for friends, family, and work — not necessarily in that order!) was an essential part in making a relationship work. What’s more, if you value yourself, your partner will value you, too.

Jealous Much?

Of course, if you treat your partner as the center of your universe, it goes without saying that you will become jealous and insecure, especially if he or she does things without you. Learn to let go a little bit. Loosen the strings and give him the freedom he deserves. After all, you’re not expected to be at his beck and call all the time, and he’s certainly not your slave, so don’t feel guilty about doing stuff on your own.

However, if you are feeling jealous or insecure, ask yourself why. Examine the cause of such unpleasant emotions, and discuss them with your partner on how to deal with it. Take a cue from Jeanne, who is married to Eric and has three kids with him. “I was jealous of his best girl friend, even if he always assured me that he never had any romantic feelings toward her whatsoever,” she says. “But I couldn’t get over it. We kept arguing and arguing until one day, it just dawned on me that I was jealous because I didn’t have a male best friend. Most of my friends were girls, so I really didn’t know how a male-female platonic relationship works. When I realized that, I calmed down. And it’s a good thing that she’s now married, too!” she adds, laughing.

Simply remind yourself from time to time that you are not competing with your partner, and that you are certainly not competing for their time and attention with anyone else — after all, you are the chosen one, so to speak, so what else is there to prove?

Lack of Trust

Normally, feelings of jealousy and insecurity are based on a lack of trust. But trust covers a wide territory: A lack of it can be very dangerous to any relationship. Not trusting that your partner will change, that he or she will make the right decision, or simply that he or she is a competent person can erode the foundation of your relationship. Mary realized that one reason her relationship with Randy didn’t work out was that she never really saw him for the person — and the man — that he is. “I’ve always had a strong personality, and I think that kind of made him less of a man,” she says. “I was always the one making the decisions, bossing him around, and he probably got fed up with that. I’ve learned to tone down now.”

On the other hand, Kim left Jeremy because he was too controlling. “I really felt that he didn’t trust me,” she relates. “I never cheated on him, I even told him everything I was doing and who with! But he was still so jealous all the time that I couldn’t take it anymore.”

Letting Things Become Stale (Or Worse, Not Addressing the Issue at All)

Conflicts are inevitable. But avoiding it, or delaying it, will do more harm than good. You want to keep the peace, fine. You can talk or discuss it calmly, to make the experience as less unpleasant as possible. But avoiding matters will lead to an avalanche of blame later on. So if problems arise, don’t keep them in the back burner or at the end of your mental to-do list. Address them right away, and you get to keep your relationship on track.

Moreover, letting the spark die out can kill a relationship. Even if you’re not the mushy type, you have to let your partner know that he or she is important to you, that he or she is loved. Everybody needs a dose of assurance every now and then, so don’t forget to make your partner feel special once in a while.

Taking Quality Time for Granted

Every couple is unique; the definition of quality time for each couple varies. So even if it’s just a simple matter of watching reruns on TV after a hectic day at work, spending time together still counts. And here’s the thing: Nowadays, relationship experts are singing a different tune when it comes to quality time. According to them, it’s not how you spend it, but how much you spend it. As mentioned previously, prioritizing your partner is essential in making the relationship work, and that’s tantamount to the amount of time you spend with him or her as well.

Bedtime Blues (and This Doesn’t Refer to Insomnia)

Yes, sex can get routine after some time for most couples. Either you’ve got too much on your mind or the initial magic has worn off. That’s normal, but the good news is you can avoid falling into a sexual rut by constantly looking for new bedtime “exercises” to try. And don’t be afraid to communicate your desires and needs in bed. Your partner isn’t a mind reader, and even subtle cues can be misinterpreted. Be vocal and be verbal, and you’ll both be satisfied each time.

Money Matters

Finances are perhaps the most sensitive aspect of any relationship. Money can make or break it. To deal with this trap, here’s a suggestion from successful couples: Have a joint account that both will contribute to regularly and equally, and have separate accounts on top of that. This way, you have financial bonds and financial freedom at the same time — and there’s less chance of fighting over who pays for what come crunch time.

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How To Stop Your Hostility In Your Relationship

Guide, Relationships - Josephine - July 11, 2021

What exactly is hostility in relationships? Hostility is a deeper version of dislike, often leading to disrespect, contempt, and a conscious decision to hurt another person. Within a relationship, hostility can be a huge deal breaker, causing rifts in couples and ultimately ending their love for each other. This is why hostility is something that should be addressed even before it rears its ugly head. The question is, how exactly do you deal with this kind of situation? Following are some important information that you should know when it comes to hostility in relationships.

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Causes of Hostility

There are numerous reasons why dislike starts in a relationship and festers into hostility. Following are just some of the factors that might cause this situation:

  1. A feeling of imbalance in the relationship. It could be because you feel as though your partner is capable of contributing more to the relationship when it comes to money. Perhaps you feel envious that your partner is more fulfilled outside the relationship. In some cases, hostility starts with envy due to inequality with work, family and friend relations.
  2. You might be feeling hostile due to differences in your personal values and beliefs. For example, you might have strong feelings against a specific political issue while your partner takes the other side. This strong difference between your opinions can spark a dislike that extends to all other aspects of life.
  3. Hostility may also stem from resentment if you feel as though your partner is taking you for granted. This might be because you are spending less time together or perhaps your partner pays less attention to your opinions. This leads to feelings of rejection which causes you to lash back in hostility.
  4. There’s also a good chance that you’re being hostile because you feel bad or are stressed out. People who have had a bad day often release their frustration by becoming contemptuous of other people.
  5. Another cause of hostility could be insecurity. Please read our full article on that subject matter here: “How to overcome insecurity in a relationship”.

Signs of Hostility

The problem with hostility in relationships is that you rarely notice you’re being hostile to your partner. Individuals who are showing great dislike often have their emotions turned inwards. This means that instead of wondering what your hostility is doing to your partner, you are just focusing on your own chaotic emotions. If you take one emotional step backward however, you’d be able to see some signs of hostility coming from you:

  1. Name calling such as “jerk” and “moron.”
  2. Verbal insults meant to hurt one’s ego or cause real emotional pain.
  3. Derogatory comments told to friends or family regarding your partner
  4. Non-verbal insults and put-downs such as making a face or turning your back while your partner talks.

In most cases, it takes a long time for you to notice your hostile behavior. What would become apparent however, is how your partner responds to the hostility. Keep in mind that contempt breeds contempt which means that at some point, your partner would also be showing signs of hostility in response to your aggressiveness. Following are some of the most common reactions when confronted with a hostile environment:

  1. When initially confronted with hostility, you partner would start to show signs of confusion. They may become silent during outbursts since they are still trying to comprehend the situation.
  2. Your partner might try to reach out and talk to you about the situation. They might ask questions regarding your current attitude and why it is happening. This confrontation should be a wakeup call for you to snap out of the mode. This is also the best time to come clean with your problems and talk about resolving it with your partner.
  3. Failure to talk with your partner when asked might lead to reversion of hostility. Instead of trying to understand your actions, your partner would simply react in the same way. This only makes the problem worse and could lead to a break up. Once you notice that your partner is showing hostility, it’s time to reassess the relationship and find out if your actions have led to this situation.

Resolving Hostility in Relationships

Hostility is something that should be nipped in the bud, lest it completely ruins the relationship and your view of each other. Once you’ve realized your mistake, it’s time to do something to patch the problem. Keep in mind that even if your partner has been patient enough throughout your “hostile” phase, they wouldn’t be waiting forever. Hence, once you snap out of the situation, it’s time to immediately do something to make amends. Here are the steps you should follow to make this possible:

  1. Figure out the reason for your hostility. You can’t address the problem until you find out exactly what is triggering your negative emotions. If you feel that it’s necessary to be alone while you figure things out, then do so and inform your partner of the situation.
  2. Talk it out with your partner, letting them know exactly why you’ve been behaving badly for the past days. There’s a good chance that she is confused with your actions and hurt by how you have been treating the relationship. Come clean and tell them exactly what the problem is. If you are exhibiting hostility in relation to your partner, don’t be afraid to tell them this as well. Remember that the foundation of a strong relationship is honesty. Here’s an article that may provide more help on how to talk to your partner: “How to communicate positively“.
  3. Set up a healing session wherein both of you can freely talk about problems and try to understand your position. It’s crucial that NO criticism or blame is exchanged during this time. Instead, aim for a loving environment wherein both you and your partner are willing to listen and understand.
  4. Seek out a solution for the problem. The answer may vary; depending on what you believe is the reason for your feelings of hostility. For example, feelings of envy or rejection can be easily talked out with your partner and addressed quickly. If you are hostile due to frustration, try to find out exactly what primary need is being taken away from you.
  5. Know that you have made a mistake and apologize for it. Be aware that regardless of your reasons, you have hurt your partner and they deserve an apology for the hurt.
  6. Control yourself and stop with the criticisms altogether. Although it’s impossible to completely erase the hostility, you should already be aware of the situation and making an effort to stop the bad thoughts. Read article “How to control your emotions” for a more detailed explanation.
  7. Note that verbally apologizing is just the first step towards repairing the relationship. Your actions should also reflect your apology. Be extra affectionate with your partner to make up for your past behavior. Offer random acts of kindness so that your partner can physically feel the love in the relationship again.
  8. Assume your original dating ritual to bring back a semblance of normalcy in the relationship. If possible, try going over the experiences that you have enjoyed in the past. This will help bring forth memories of the happier days, basically letting the bad days fade away into oblivion.

When all else fails, it might be best for the relationship to end instead of letting the hostile atmosphere continue. If it continues, the hostility may also cause damage to a person’s self-esteem, making them incapable of coping when it comes to other relationships. Once the situation starts to cause damage to you and your partner, this is the time to move on and perhaps try to resolve the problem on your own.

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The Revelation Of Good Date Ideas

Guide, Relationships - Josephine - June 26, 2021

Going on dates is important to make your bond stronger and resilient and you can try theislandnow to improve your dates. This is a great time for you and your partner to get to know each other better. There is actually a wide range of good date ideas which you can try to make your dating experience one of a kind. If truth be told, dinner and movies are not so new in this day and age. Thus, you have to make sure to be creative in planning for your dating activity. Your creativity can lead to silly or stupid things but what is important is the fun that you will be getting out of your good date.

Watching movies may sound so mundane because almost all the couples out there do this kind of dating activity. Nevertheless, there is nothing wrong with going with the flow of being ordinary. Sometimes, you just need to use your wild imagination. In this way, you can achieve an exceptional dating experience with your partner or significant other. There are times when it is preferable to watch scary movies. However, you have to make sure that it is not that so scary which will result in your sleepless nights. You can actually jump onto your seats and hold each other in a tight way during scary scenes. You can also try watching the movies which both of you have seen already a thousand times before. In this manner, you can put your focus on the two of you.

Another good idea for a date is to go to games to have some fun. In point of fact, there is no need for you to make your date so serious because it might bore your date. And this can just ruin the supposedly fantastic dating experience. You just have to look for games which you and your partner can enjoy playing. Some of the possible games which you can try are chess, cops and robbers, hopscotch, and scrabble. These games may sound so silly but this can surely give you an awesome dating experience while getting to know your partner very well. However, you don’t have to be serious about the game. There is actually no need to be such. Just have good and fun competition between the two of you in the course of any game. After all, you don’t want the game to be the cause of your fight in a short while. You just have to accept defeat to seem sweeter.

Dates are indeed important that’s why you have to make it ideal but amusing at the same time. This is due to the fact that it can strengthen the bond between you and your partner. However, it should not be that too serious because it might bore the two of you. And you don’t want this to happen for sure. So, you just have to make it enjoyable and fun not only for you but for your partner or significant other as well. You can actually plan for your dating activity without any hassle at all. After all, there are various good date ideas available even on the worldwide web.

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