Due to its resemblance to marijuana, there’s a lot of confusion about the properties of hemp and whether it has the same effects as its close cousin. Hemp for Healing – the web’s leading provider of CBD Oil and other hemp products – is here to clear things up.
The understanding of the facts is essential if you want to pick the correct cbd companies to invest in to have the desired results. Ensure that there is correct balance available in the body of the individuals. You need to gather complete details about the companies for the right investment.
Hemp and Marijuana Are Two Different Plants
Many people believe hemp and marijuana are the same plant, and even use the names interchangeably. But while they’re part of the same family of plants, Cannabaceae, the two couldn’t be more different in terms of their properties.
Marijuana has a very large amount of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), a psychoactive cannabinoid that gets users high “high”. Hemp, on the other hand has little to no THC and instead offers cannabidiol (CBD) altogether.
How is CBD Oil Different from THC Oil?
While both are cannabinoids – chemical compounds that act on the brain’s endocannabinoids system (ECS) – CBD is does not get you high like THC. This means it is less likely to affect your behavior and state of mind that way THC products would. In fact, plants with more CBD Oil such as hemp are found to produce less unwanted effects such as anxiety.
What is the ECS?
The endocannabinoids system (ECS) plays a vital role in several physiological functions in the body, including stress management, appetite, sleep, certain inflammation responses, and even cognition. There are two types of cannabinoid receptors found throughout the body (CB1 and CB2), but they are most abundant in the brain and immune system, respectively. Basically ECS plays a huge role in health, and CBD does a great job of influencing it without eliciting a psychological reaction.
What Exactly is CBD?
CBD is the main naturally-occurring cannabinoid component found in hemp, making up 40 percent of the plant. After THC, CBD is by far the most studied natural cannabinoid, with many researchers proclaiming it to be the single most important cannabinoid ever discovered. It has many potential health benefits that are still being researched.
CBD Oil is Legal
Although, as with marijuana, it is illegal to grow hemp in the U.S., natural hemp-derived cannabinoids like CBD Oil are legal in all 50 states in the country – another difference with THC Oil and its derivates, which aren’t universally legal. This is because the FDA considers hemp and its derivatives to be food-based products, thus requiring no legal restrictions on their importation, production, and consumption in the U.S. or most other industrialized countries. This also means that you will not need a doctor recommendation or medicinal cannabis card to purchase any of our CBD Oil products.