Your body is like an old dog. It is difficult to teach new tricks! But not impossible. You see your body is an amazing machine that likes stability. We like to keep things the same. He does not like the change. If you eat more real food for your body to regulate metabolism and burns more food. Cut your food and you drop down regulated calories “to yourself and protect your energy. For example: One of the unique characteristics of the body is its ability to survive when food is scarce.
Back thousands of years ago were hunters and gatherers. If the food was plentiful and the things that we fill our stomachs. If you continue, we wanted to build fat reserves. In difficult times we use these fat reserves for energy. These stores have kept us alive. The eating of the food is great with the belly fat burner for the safety. The protection is to the energy reserves in the body of the individual. The best food will offer the best benefits in the reduction of fat from the belly of the people.
But modern life has changed – a lot! We live in a state where the permanent abundant food. When we are hungry, we go into the kitchen, or visit the store to buy fast food. We live in a time in which more food and excess calories are too simple. Rarely hungry. In fact, when was the last time you felt really hungry? Be honest! So while times have changed, the human body has remained the same.
100,000 years ago, the difficult times was perhaps have winter. Today it is more likely that hard times are a crash diet in January. But the human body reacts exactly the same as was 100,000 years ago and is a crash diet exactly what a famine. Your body does not know the difference. And he did not care.
In a crash diet, your body will start to close in order to obtain the energy reserves, saved searches, and things the same. Remember, do not like change! So, how does this affect you? By drastically reducing your calories by storing on a raw food diet (less than 1200 calories -dire per day) your body into survival mode.
Your metabolism starts to decrease and your hormones begin to change. “So what?” You might think! Well, that’s your metabolism to burn up to 70% of daily calories and your metabolism begins to decline responsibility.
As you work your body in order to protect its fat and begins releasing hormones to promote the hunger for food. It is not surprising that many people buckle under crazy diets. Your body tries to resist her and sent her messages from the brain to fight against changes! So, where you are when you, without this want to lose coping mechanisms in your body weight and do exactly the opposite?
First, you must not cause the massive calorie deficit to go on a fad diet. It is dangerous to health and metabolism. Instead, what you want your metabolism fully functioning fire at full capacity. In other words – to eat! Eat healthy and nutritious food, total. Second, you need a balanced diet. One that makes you to eat the right foods at the right time and in the right quantity.
A plan that will keep your weight loss efforts on track. Together they have a small (but practical and durable) to create calorie deficit every day. Again: eat whole natural foods that are rich in nutrients and low in calories. They accumulate better keep levels stable hormones and promote healthy body composition (think more muscle and less fat). And two, you plan your meals for the next week.
You pretend you do not because you are a man without a plan that is very easy to eat convenience food, it is. Combined you will not go hungry. You will probably end up eating more. When you eat, you will feel happy and satisfied. Then add a little practice and you will be so good to be what it feels like.