What has white fur and black spots? You’ve got it, the lovable Dalmatian. You see these beautiful dogs at your local firehouse and have thought to yourself, “wouldn’t it be nice to own a dog like that?” But you have a BIG problem now; you know nothing about them! So now what do you do? Well, if your read on further I’ll tell you about their behavior and a lot more.
The Dalmatian has a body that’s built for speed: a strong-skinny figure, long legs, and a nice long tail. Just as on A hundred and one Dalmatians all Dalmatians have a short-white coat that is also accompanied by small-black spots. Dalmatians have a short and stout muzzle, which helps the dog perform many different tasks: hunting, running, eating, ect… Their fur is extremely short and rough feeling to the touch.
While this breed isn’t exactly like the 101 Dalmatians that you saw in films but they need to be taken care of and managed properly as they are quite clever and adept at learning things quickly but you need to find more info online so that no stone is left unturned.
Average height and weight:
The average height for a male Dalmatian is 21 inches tall and the female stands about 19 or 20 inches tall (although she can reach to be 21 inches; this is rare…but possible.)
The male Dalmatians average weight stays somewhere between 55 and 60 pounds and the females stay around 45 or 50 pounds.
The Dalmatian requires daily workouts in order to remain healthy. Only walking a Dalmatian is not healthy!! You should have plenty of time to spend with your Dalmatian, and if you don’t…DON’T GET ONE!! This is very important.
You should set up a workout routine for you and your Dalmatian. Make it a daily routine!! Here are a couple workouts that your Dalmatian would require daily: a quick jog, a couple minutes playing fetch, a couple minutes playing tug-a-war, a run through the park(or any other place were he/she could run, and a slower walk. You can make-up your own workouts for you and your Dalmatian, or you can use some/all of the workouts listed above. Make sure, if you’re not using the workouts above, that you’re Dalmatian is still getting the proper amount of exercise per day. IT’S REQUIRED!
Grooming your Dalmatian will NOT be hard, although, you have to groom your Dalmatian daily. All you need to do is brush his or hers short fur once a day (brush the entire coat.) If you notice a dirty or muddy spot on your Dalmatian’s coat, then you should get a wet wipe and clean it as soon as possible; this will prevent your dog from getting your floors dirty, getting skin related infections, and it will also prevent bad odors.
This is the most important fact about the Dalmatian, and it’s very important to read!! The Dalmatian is not the nicest dog in the world, although, it is still possible to find a good Dalmatian…just hard. Dalmatians can’t handle a lot of stress without lashing out at their owner(s). It’s not always best to own a Dalmatian if you have children (and if you do have children and you’re still going to get a Dalmatian, make sure that they’re compatible with one another.)
The Dalmatian is very energetic, and they love to play with their owner. It is not uncommon for the Dalmatian to choose one person to be kind to, and then anybody left in the family will be forgotten or disliked by the Dalmatian.