Bible is a divine word of God that is not as simple reading but deserves respect and need to be understood and practiced. The Bible is the most misinterpreted book that is written and is hard to understand. It records a long history that includes ages and cultures which are correlating to the modern era. The Bible is translated into many original manuscripts in Greek, Aramaic, and Hebrew by reputable scholars. The main goal of studying the Bible is to understand the message in the correct way. Some people struggle to start with the Bible by how often you should read and how much to read. To read about the Open heavens devotional messages, you can read online.
Here in this article, we will suggest some tips on how to study the Bible, which is as follows:
- Observation
Observation is the first important step on how to study the Bible. As you start reading, you need to look at what it is said and how carefully. It would be best if you looked for:
- Structure
The text in the Bible has units called paragraphs that are often indented or marked. A paragraph is a whole unit of thought. You can know the content of the author’s message by understanding and noting each paragraph unit.
- Terms and not words
You must focus on terms and not words as words can have different meanings, but the terms are used in a particular way in a specific context.
After considering these things, you get ready for the “Wh” questions. Wh questions include who, what, where, and when.
- Interpretation
Interpretation determines the meaning of a passage, the main idea, or the author’s thought. The Wh questions that arise during the observation can help you in interpretation. There are five clues, also known as “the five C’s,” which will help you discover the author’s main points. The five C’s are Context, Cross-references, Culture, Conclusion, and Consultation.
- Application
The application indicates the main point of why we read the Bible. The reasons can be different like we want to be respectful to God; we want to change our lives and grow up like Jesus Christ. After reading the passage and understand it to your ability, you must try to implement that on your own life. People always want to ask the questions of Scripture that they study like how the truth will affect me, how the truth revealed here will accept their relationship with God, and more.
The application step is not yet completed by knowing the answers to these questions. The main key is to practice what God has taught you and apply all learning in real life. God always wants to see your efforts, and when you start applying the truth in your life, God will bless you for your hard work and efforts.
Bible is different than any other book and has something deeper that only a person with true intentions and faith in God can understand.