We have all heard of the expression “laser focus”. Laser focus is needed for many important jobs such as being a surgeon or a chemical engineer. There are many jobs where focus is essential, in fact the biggest cause of accidents, failures and firings is probably a lack of focus. Lets bring this logic to the realms of fat loss. We need to nurture a laser fat loss focus.
With the help of https://www.chron.com/market/article/phenq-review-16253391.php, there are the chances available to concentrate on the right supplements. The concentration on the right products for the reducing of the fat is possible. Instead of the failures, there is more success available in getting a slim and healthy body.
Is multitasking really that great?
Multitasking has been a popular “buzz phrase” for a while now. When it comes to cooking and talking on the telephone, or typing and listening to a dictation, multitasking is great.
But when we have a larger challenge, a more difficult, dangerous or more important challenge, laser focus is needed.
For many people, weight loss is a major challenge and it is difficult to achieve and sustain, Ignoring obesity becomes dangerous for your health. How many fat people would argue that losing weight is not important?
So, the challenge of fat loss certainly “ticks all the boxes” of what constitutes an activity that deserves focus. Unfortunately however, we can’t spend all of our time thinking about food and what to eat. That very action will make us more hungry!
Develop a laser fat loss focus
So, what can we do to develop laser fat loss focus? And keep going with our everyday lives?
We make fat loss, or more importantly healthy living, our most dominant type of thought.
Can you think back about important events of your past and remember how you thought about them?
Here are a couple of examples
You might remember your high school or college exams. In the few weeks and months running up to the exams the thought of studying and revising were never far from your mind, when you were eating, driving, or even chatting with friends, there was always the thought in the back of your mind that you ought to get back to your exam preparations.
Maybe you organized a surprise party or event for a loved one. In the weeks or days approaching the special day, ideas kept popping into your head, tasks on your “to do list” were completed one by one.
As the day approached, it was almost as if a momentum of success was building with each positive task or preparation in place. The event was a raging success and an inevitable outcome of the work that you had put in.
In both of these situations, you continued with your everyday life, you still slept, showered, ate, interacted with your family and so on…
… But there was always that burning desire in the back of your mind, ready to spark some new inspiration or new solution. The target was never far from your mind.
This is the kind of laser fat loss focus that you need to develop in order to lose the weight and then maintain a new body shape or size.
You need to keep mindful and have this goal at the back of your mind ready to spark a positive choice, or to motivate you on a tough day.
How can we nurture this kind of focus?
We need to give it our attention. Just as a new seed needs to be planted, watered then tended until it is strong enough to take on a life of its own, our minds work the same way.
Make a list of all of the things that you can do that will act as reminders, reinforcement and “fertilizer” for your weight loss goals…
Your list might look something like this
Cancel old magazine subscription and subscribe to a health related magazine. Sign up to newsletters for health websites. Buy new books on health and fitness. Join some kind of club or class that involves physical activity. This does not have to be a gym or an aerobics class. It can be a ball room dancing or paintball team. Buy some new exercise clothes and shoes. Put up posters or charts on your kitchen cupboards talking about food pyramids, traffic light systems or just lists of foods to eat more of, and foods to eat less of. Put “post it” notes in prominent places as reminders. Join Internet social media and health communities and forums and get active there. Hire a personal trainer and/or nutritionist. Get in touch with a friend or family member who is also overweight and has made efforts in the past, maybe you can do this together. Go food shopping and only buy some fresh fruit and vegetables. Nothing else. Set some small but easily achievable goals to get some momentum going. For example; decide to only eat chocolate with a high Percentage of cocoa instead of milk chocolate; Decide to substitute soft drinks for fresh fruit juice
The idea is for your laser fat loss focus to become dominant amongst your thoughts throughout the day.