One of the common causes of lower back pain is strain. Strain is usually caused when our ligaments and muscles are stretched because of excess activity. As a result, it imposes stiffness and pain in our lower back and it also imposes muscle spasms. This is why we usually experience back pain after a tiring work or a heavy-duty physical activity. Experts recommend physical therapy and rest for these kinds of symptoms. Taking pain reliever can also be an effective remedy for lower back pain caused by strains.
Disc Injury
Another common cause of lower back pain is disc injury. This is common for old people because the risk of disc injury tends to increase as we age. Herniated disc occurs when our cartilage that surrounds the disc pushes against our nerve roots or spinal cord. As a result of this, the nerve root compresses as it goes through pur vertebral bones and out from our spinal cord. It also occurs after twisting our back or after lifting something heavy. This kind of pain can usually last for over seventy-two hours. What is the back to life secret stretch? You can check this out.
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal stenosis is another event that causes lower back pressure. This happens due to the narrowing of our spinal column. As a result, it puts pressure on our spinal nerves and spinal cord. The reason why spinal stenosis takes place is because of the discs degeneration between our vertebrate. This kind of event in our spinal causes the spinal cord or nerve roots to compress by soft tissues or bony spurs. Some of the symptoms of spinal stenosis include weakness, numbness and cramping. It is important to consult with your doctor when you experience these symptoms for initial remedies.
Spine Curvatures Abnormality
Lower back pain is sometimes caused by abnormal spine curvatures as well. The conditions that cause this abnormality include Lordosis, Scoliosis and Kyphosis. This kind of conditions are evident and usually diagnosed during adolescence or even childhood. As a result, it causes pain on our back. Abnormal spine curvature can also be the cause of poor posture. The reason for this is because it puts pressure on some parts of our body such as vertebrae, tendons, muscles and ligaments. Again, when you experience this kind of pain or even symptoms, it is advisable to seek a medical opinion and checkup.
Lastly, apart form the mentioned causes of lower back pain, there are other conditions that cause this pain as well. These are fibromyalgia, spondylosis, arthritis, and spondylitis. Arthritis is known as the inflammation of our joints while spondylosis is considered as the degenerative disorder of spinal function and structure. Spondylitis is known as the joints inflammation between our spinal bones and lastly, fibromyalgia is known as the condition where a person experiences tenderness and pain in the tendons, joints and muscles in the long run.
Overall, when lower back pain becomes persistent and continuous, it is important to consult a doctor always.