The dangers of the social networking sites and may be hidden from some people, and that is the focus of this article. There has been much media attention recently about the web site and now is being used by gangs, sexual predators, and others who would do harm to us.
This got me to thinking that if had this kind of activity occurring upon it then I reasoned the other social networking web sites out there may have the same type of activities occurring within them. We just do not hear about this type of activity occurring on the other social networking sites perhaps because they are smaller. is the biggest social networking site out there and that is probably why we hear of all this activity occurring there.
We need to remain safe on these social networking sites and there are a few ways that we can ensure our personal safety as well as the personal safety of our families. I am going through some basic information that always seems to be put on these social networking sites and show you how using that information can put your family at risk.
Let us take one of the myspace profiles and make an example of it. I use the photograph feature to add-in several photographs of my family including my grandchildren, they are cute, and I want to share them with everybody. I then use the blog feature to talk about how things when at work, because the blog is meant to share our thoughts. Within the personal information, I list my hometown, and I could list where I work. I could list my favorite songs, and perhaps I show a cute little video on my grandchildren opening birthday presents, or my son scoring a touchdown.
Those are things that are basically on a on a social networking profile, that is meant for our friends to view so that we don’t have to tell everybody everything they could just go to a page and see what’s going on with us.
I wonder what else other people who have on their social media when they were able to getfans a lot and when they were able to build huge followers on their social media accounts. Perhaps, they do encounter more dangers of social networking sites than I do.
A person who would do me harm could go through my photos and know what each of my grandchildren or children look like. If I mentioned something specific within my blog about my work someone who would do me harm would know when I worked. Since I listed my hometown in the personal information this person that would do me harm as a lot of information about me.
These are the dangers of the social networking sites, and I think there should be some sort of stranger danger classes taught about which information you should share on the Internet. Many times is information that we believe will not be shared is very easily shared reality.
Another danger of having your photograph put on the Internet is someone who is afraid to have their own photograph put up there will take your photograph and claim it as their own. Who knows what a thief can do to your photograph that is out there unprotected on the Internet. It is a well-known fact that anyone with graphic editing skills can take a photograph of you, remove your head, and paste on another body. Then you become a porn star in some cases and that is something you would definitely do not want out there.
These are just some of the dangers of the social networking sites so I urge you to think about all the ways that your personal information can be used or abused before you put it out there on the Internet.