A noted biologist has found evidence that suggests Viagra, the EDF wonder-drug, might also help people lose weight. In a recent post to the scientific journal Nature’s blog page, Doctor Jalees Rehman, stem cell biologist and cardiologists at the University of Illinois, describes research where mice that have been given Viagra were found to burn more body fat than mice given a placebo. Popular Science, in reporting on Rehman and his research, says that it appears Viagra causes the body to convert one type of fat, to another – one that is more easily burned.
The body, PopSci says, has two kinds of fat, white adipose tissue – which is the kind that forms the jelly roll around the belly, and brown adipose tissue, which is far less in abundance (usually found in the neck and near blood vessels) but more easily converted (burned) into energy. In the mice studies, it appears that Viagra had a tendency to cause white fat to turn into brown fat which the body then burns. The result, is fat loss, which of course means weight loss. PopSci also notes that professional athletes have begun to use Viagra in the belief it gives them more energy. This new research by Rehman bears that out. If Viagra is converting white fat to brown, which is then burned, in addition to weight loss, another effect would be an increase in energy.
In the new research, test mice were given very small doses of Viagra (sildenafil) and after a week, every one of them was found to have reduced levels of white fat, and increased levels of brown fat. It is believed that the fat conversation occurs because of the very nature of the drug. Its purpose is to allow for increased blood flow in areas with small capillaries. That’s how it helps men maintain an erection. When it occurs in white fat, the increased blood flow sends a signal to the brain telling it that it’s time to stop storing it. The body’s natural response is to immediately begin converting it to brown fat, to allow it to burn.
The researchers note that thus far, the research is still very preliminary – no study has yet been done on the long term implications of Viagra use, thus, it’s not known if it’s safe or not. Some have suggested it might cause problems in the eyes, another site of small capillaries. No one will know for sure, of course, until it’s tested further, but thus far, researchers are optimistic and believe they may have stumbled onto a true diet pill. Hence, if you really want to lose weight achieve your desired body figure, you may want to consider taking weight loss supplement like leptoconnect. This product is made from all natural ingredients so it is healthy and safe to consume.