When it comes to skin, most people will spare no expense to make sure that it looks soft, smooth, and as blemish-clear as possible. However, when it comes to the choices for most women, and a lot of men, the mere magnitude of skincare products on shelves in Natural Health Stores, drug stores, and cosmetic counters can be mind-boggling.
When it comes to skincare, most women agree that they don’t want to be slathering on a lot of extra oils or chemicals, whether for facial needs or the rest of their bodies. More women these days are leaning toward products that prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging, but regardless, many products are being marketed today that contain all-natural skincare product essentials. What, exactly, are those essentials?
Start with the vitamins and minerals that your skin needs to stay healthy, hydrated, and clean. The more you know about basic ingredients, the better off you’ll be when it comes to finding just the right skincare product to suit your needs, whether those needs include oily skin, dry skin, or a skin condition such as acne, eczema, psoriasis or occasional yet frustrating rashes. Different skin types call for different ingredients, and knowledge, as we all know, is information. Basically, anything that is grown in the ground, on a plant, tree, or flower can be considered a natural product. So can things found in the ocean or in other bodies of water, with or without salt? But just how far do you go to find an all-natural product to use on your skin? Would you go outside and peel the bark off your neighbor’s birch tree to get to some of the sap underneath? No? Well, you might if you knew that birch tree sap is known as a perfect astringent and has plenty of antibacterial properties.
Still, do you go really natural, or do you purchase items from the store that have some of the more common natural ingredients in them? That choice is an individual one, but nevertheless, one that requires a bit of homework. Knowing what a product can do is different than what it will do if mixed wrong, or in combination with other ingredients, either natural or otherwise. Deciding on how far you want to go with a natural skincare product is up to the level of your interest and determination.
Another example is the aloe plant which is also considered to be the best makeup remover. The juice from this cactus has been known for hundreds of years to provide relief from cuts, burns, bruises, and scrapes. Breaking a limb from the plant and rubbing the juice from it directly onto the skin may be a little slimy, but its healing properties are known and understood, and accepted in most medical circles. When applied directly to facial skin, it can increase healing and provide wonderful moisturizing and emollient abilities. Still, some people don’t have space, or the dirt, to grow their own aloe vera plants and prefer to purchase a cream or ointment with aloe vera listed as one of its prime ingredients.
Keep in mind, however, that the closer to nature that you stay, the more benefits you’ll get from an all-natural product. Sure, finding some ingredients may be a little challenging, but there’s no doubt that these products have been gathered and used for hundreds, and even thousands of years, by some cultures around the world. Do you think they knew what they were doing back then? You bet they did.