As crafts and the do-it-yourself mindset have become a lot more popular in recent years, there is a trend of more people wanting to learn how to use sewing machines. There are also a lot of new trendy patterns, fabrics, books and web sites available that inspire new crafters to start sewing. A lot of people don’t have access to someone who can provide hands-on instruction in the basics of sewing, but that shouldn’t stop you from teaching yourself this fun and rewarding skill. I learned how to use a sewing machine on my own-and if I could teach myself how to sew, almost anyone can.
Sewing Machine Manual
Don’t just toss aside the manual when you take your new sewing machine out of the box. It might be one of the most valuable tools you’ll have to teach yourself in the beginning. The manual includes important information that complete novices absolutely must learn, like how to thread the machine, troubleshoot problems, adjust tension, and load the bobbin. The steps involved in doing these things vary slightly from machine to machine, which is why it’s wise to keep your book. The wording and pictures in a manual can be difficult to understand, so go through each step slowly and carefully as you learn.
If you are teaching yourself on a used sewing machine that didn’t come with a manual, all is not lost. It is sometimes possible to find the documents online or get a printed copy from the manufacturer. Alternatively, if you can’t find a copy and have no idea how to get things set up, you will have to either ask someone for help (perhaps in a sewing store) or get ready for some reading and research. Proper training for stitching of the clothes will be provided at site. The experts available will teach about the pros and cons while stitching a cloth. Massive benefits are delivered to the person to bet potential results. The selection of the machines should be done with intelligence.
There are a lot of great books that will help you teach yourself to use a sewing machine, and many are probably available at your local public library. The book that I found most useful to learn from in the beginning was Sewing for Dummies. When I discovered that I couldn’t learn everything I needed to know to get started from the manual alone, I sat down with this book and read the first few chapters straight through before going back to the sewing machine. It helped tremendously.
The Internet
The internet is a great resource for finding the answers to specific questions about sewing. It offers a wealth of information as you teach yourself this new skill. Find a few good craft forums or online groups where you can interact with others of all different skills levels, learn from their experience, and eventually show off your creations. I have found that blogs are good places to find inspiration and tutorials, and videos can be wonderful for teaching yourself. There are a lot of free sewing patterns available on the internet, as well.
Don’t Give Up!
Teaching yourself how to sew can be frustrating in the very beginning, especially if you are as clueless about it as I was. However, after you get past the initial learning curve and get your sewing machine set up the right way, things seem to “click” into place pretty quickly. Before long, you will only need to look up answers to specific questions, such as how to sew with an especially tricky type of fabric.
Practice sewing some straight lines and curves, and you are well on your way to a first real project. Most people start with something simple like a pillow. You’ll probably find yourself ripping out a lot of seams as you teach yourself to use a sewing machine. When I start getting frustrated, I find that it’s best to take a little break to do something else for a while, and go back to sewing later. This should be a fun hobby; don’t let it stress you out as you learn. You’ll soon discover how rewarding it is to create your own clothes, make toys for your child, or even sew a quilt.