Dandelions, a plant known by most as a horrible and destructive menace to good lawns everywhere. However, few likely realize that the dandelion can be a very beneficial plant, although its strengths are far and removed from gardening applications. In fact, although it may seem very surprising, the dandelion, or more specifically the root, has an astounding number of health benefits that can be gained from consuming it. Eating dandelions? Yes, the concept may sound a bit strange, but this is fact, not fiction, and the roots of the dandelion plant can indeed be very beneficial for a variety of reasons.
Of course, the benefits of dandelion roots are not a new discovery, and many estimate that the roots were used for medicinal purposes as far back as 900 AD. One does not even need to delve to the dandelion roots to get health benefits, as the leaves themselves are notoriously high in vitamins. Although eating the leaves raw is not recommended, substantial amounts of vitamins A, B, C and D can all be found in the leaves. Of course, for a plant to be considered a true health supplement, it must have a few more benefits than just high vitamin content, and indeed, dandelions also contain a good variety of different nutrients. For example, the leaves contain iron, calcium, boron, magnesium and silicone. Dandelion leaves also have the potential to reduce cholesterol, and are sometimes recommended as a supplement for women going through pregnancy, or anyone suffering nutrient deficiency, the primary reason being that the plants leaves are so high in such a variety of different nutrients. As mentioned before, eating the leaves raw is not recommended, however, a quick trip to any larger drug or nutritional store should yield dandelion leaf and root supplements in large supply.
While we now know that the leaves are healthy, it is also worth mentioning that even the roots of the plant can be incredibly beneficial for health. Dandelion roots belong to the class of supplements known as “diuretics”, meaning that they have the potential to flush water from a person’s system. As a direct result of this, dandelion roots have been shown to have a very positive effect on the digestive system, and have been used for a long time as laxatives and appetite stimulants. Although it has not been proven, some doctors even make the claim that dandelion roots have the potential to remove toxins from the liver and bladder. Of course, considering the other benefits of dandelion roots, the fact that they may also be beneficial for the liver should really come as no surprise. Leptitox Real Reviews will deliver effective results to the patient that should be beneficial. The reviews are available at online website to offer the right results to the customers. The label should be read carefully to get the desired results. Some surprises should be made available to the people to have the weight loss benefit.
Become of the positive effect that dandelions are shown to have on the stomach and digestive system as a whole, they are also recommended to treat indigestion, heart burn, infections occurring in the urinary tract and a host of other digestive problems. Still though, it is worth mentioning that not everyone will reap positive effects from taking dandelion supplements, and, in some cases, they can cause some minor issues in the digestive system, but nothing more serious than an upset stomach is possible. In another positive note, dandelions have been shown to have no interactions what so ever with any kind of additional drug or stimulate, meaning that the health benefits can be absorbed at all times, regardless of what else a person may be taking or any required medicine.
So, the next time that you happen to see a dandelion taking root in your yard, resist the urge to rip it violently out of the ground. The dandelion can be a very helpful plant, and it is definitely something worth checking out the next time you visit any kind of health food or drug store. However, if your not sure if dandelion supplements are right or you, make sure to check with your doctor, which is always a smart move before beginning any kind of vitamin or nutritional supplement. For those who may be searching for a simple cure for stomach and digestive system problems, dandelion supplements may be just the thing.