When a pet scratches, bites or chews so excessive, there are chances that you are suffering from an allergy. The cause of allergies, called allergens, may be something in the environment of the pet. In some cases, a very allergic dog may have several simultaneous allergies. It is necessary to form a team between the owner of the animal and the veterinarian to identify the cause of allergy and control.
The most common allergy affecting dogs and cats is flea bite allergy. This happens when a dog or cat by contacting their saliva while the flea bites you.
Controlling fleas in the environment of the pet is the obvious treatment for flea bite allergy. To achieve this, the pet should be monitored both as the environment. The Flea collars provide a little relief. However, some pets are allergic to these collars. Powders, sprays, shampoos can remove fleas from pets. Always read and follow the instructions in the product. An excessive use of any of these products could be dangerous to some pets in particular. A veterinarian often prescribed medication to remove or break the flea life cycle of parasites.
A precautionary measure for owners of cats:
Make sure that product labels stating that the product is safe for cats as there are some products that are safe for dogs but toxic to cats. There are some news stating that some dog products were illegally created as not authorized by the right agency. So you have to make sure the safety and reliability of the products you are buying for your dog.
Since fleas spend most of their life cycle outside of the dog or cat, you should check the outdoor with sprinklers or sprays. To help control the invasion of fleas inside the house will require a thorough cleaning and vacuuming in intensive. May be needed to control a professional fumigator flea invasion.
In addition to fleas, dogs and cats can be allergic to other parasites. Can become allergic to ticks in much the same way as a flea.
Allergies inhalation may cause breathing to substances such as pollens from trees, ragweed and other plants, house dust and mold. In some cases it appears that this type of allergy is a genetic predisposition, but can happen at any pet at any time of year.
Allergies caused by contact are caused by physical contact with the pet aggressive substances. The areas most affected are those in which there is little or coat. Among the most common allergens are soaps, insecticides, nylon carpets of wool, paint, wood, poison ivy, oak or grass. Some animals can be allergic to plastic troughs.
In the case of certain plants and / or geographic locations, allergies caused by touch or contact may be seasonal.
It is essential to identify the substance to control aggressive allergies by touch and smell. If we can identify it, should make every effort to eliminate the atmosphere of your pet. Veterinarians can recommend an appropriate treatment for the skin and help relieve itching.
Although some pets develop allergies to foods, it is very unusual. Food allergy can arise from an immune reaction to an ingredient that is found in pet foods. Food allergies usually occur in skin problems or gastrointestinal disorders. However, several diseases have similar signs. Therefore, one should rule out other causes before blaming a diet or change it.
Most affected pets were fed the same food in a period of months or years. Allergy develops by prolonged exposure to the same ingredient, and is usually a protein. Change one food for another pet is not the solution, since many of these diets contain similar ingredients.
Any food source is completely hypo-allergenic. The only food that can be considered are those that are hypoallergenic pet has never tried before. For a hypoallergenic food, the diet should contain proteins that have been distorted so that the immune system does not recognize.
If any suspicion of food allergy, the veterinarian will recommend a special diet to test its disposal “to ensure that the diet is the cause of allergy and identify the ingredient that the pet is allergic.
If a pet is a “special diet of elimination” to isolate the ingredient aggressive, the owner and all family members must meet the challenge of keeping the pet in your special diet. This means saying no to rawhide, snacks, food or stop eating the food of other animals.
Once the ingredients which the pet is allergic, you can recommend a proper diet. Again, the challenge is to keep your pet alone in the diet prescribed without offering anything more.
For allergy, once a possible diagnosis is made, you can try a treatment. The goal of treatment is to control symptoms by avoiding the cause of allergy. If it was not possible to avoid this because it may be beneficial to prescribe a medication or a series of injections.
The identification of the allergen can be a complex process that requires time and patience. The rewards of successful treatment is to give your pet a more comfortable life.