Ever wondered why it’s called a beer belly? You probably know that beer affects your weight loss. But do you know the exact extent and how fast it can cause you to get fat, and lose all those six pack abs? If you’ve been drinking lately, and wondering why your stomach is getting fatter, or are losing your six pack abs, you need to read on from https://observer.com/2020/10/best-fat-burner/ .
Excessive drinking of beer actually increases the amount of visceral fat (the ‘hard’ type you see in ‘beer bellies’) very quickly. It is the number one reason you are gaining that stomach fat which you cannot seem to lose. Beer doesn’t affect weight gain or fat gain in the other parts of the body as much as the stomach. BUT that is the whole damn point you want to lose weight right? Your stomach is getting too round and having a severe lack of definition! The main difference between a ‘normal’ fat belly and a ‘beer’ belly is to look at your stomach, and see if it is actually flabbier or harder.
If it is big and flabby, then what you should be looking at is to reduce your fat percentage and lose weight in general. If that is the case for you, then you should download my FREE Ebook
“8 Weeks To Your Best Body EVER” comprising of an eight week boot course you can perform for free without ever stepping into the gym, simply by signing up on the right!
If it is big and hard, then cut down on that booze!! No beer and wine, I don’t care how you do it. You have to do it if you are serious about that weight loss. Hard and stubborn visceral fats will form over your six pack abs if you continue indulging in your wine and beer delights. Exercising alone, while drinking excessively won’t cure your problem. For people in this category, you absolutely need to stop drinking and do your stomach and health a favour.
Do your family and friends a favour, share this page and let them know the REAL reason behind why they are not losing weight.
Getting thinner can be precarious. Everybody is unique, and a few people locate that even with a solid eating routine and exercise program, they actually battle to shed pounds. Adhering inflexibly to an exacting eating routine is unpleasant, and it is likewise hard to keep up.